Panel Session 2-1: Marine Robotics and Deep Sea Mining (Registration fee is required)

December 9th (Thursday)

Panel Session 2-1: Marine Robotics and Deep Sea Mining

Date December 9 (Thu.), 2021, 13:00~17:00
Venue Conference Room 2A

Vast quantities of marine mineral resources around Japan are expected to exist, and the Japanese government has been working hard to estimate potential volumes. For exploration activities, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) provide an optimal solution to conducting high-resolution surveys over wide areas. Without cumbersome tether cables, they offer far greater stability for tracking the seafloor. Underwater robotics are also important in the subsequent mining phase and development projects are already underway for heavy-duty deep sea mining vehicles. The purpose of this two-part session is to share the latest technology trends and discuss future plans relating to underwater robotics in both exploration and deep sea mining. The first part will address ‘Deep Sea Mining’, namely the latest trends in mineral resource exploitation and the robotic technologies required for deep sea mining operations. The second part, addressing ‘Underwater Robotics’ will discuss the latest trends and future plans for exploration, especially in relation to AUVs.

※Please be aware that the contents of the program may be changed without notice.

    • Nobuyuki Okamoto

    •  Deputy Director General, Seafloor Mineral Resources Department, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation
       Kobe Ocean-Bottom Exploration Center, Kobe University
    • Kris VAN NIJEN, Ph.D.

    •  Managing Director, GSR
    • Masao Komatsu

    •  Chief Engineer, Ship & Ocean Engineering Department, Marine Engineering Center, MITSUBISHI SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD.
    • Sayuri Matsumoto

    •  Head of Group, Bigdata Technology Group, Infrastructure Digital Transformation Engineering Department, Port and Airport Research Institute, National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology
    • Kazuya Okada

    •  Director, Ocean High Technology Institute, Inc. 
    • Tomohiko Fukushima

    •  Deputy Director General, Seafloor Mineral Resources Department, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation
    • Sean FOWLER

    •  VP of Business Development, Ocean Infinity