Panel Session 5: Acquisition of human resources in maritime industry (Registration fee is required)

December 10th (Friday)

Panel Session 5: Acquisition of human resources in maritime industry

Date December 10 (Fri.), 2021, 15:45~18:15
Venue Conference Room 3A

The source of growth within an industry depends on the personnel it employs. Likewise, the acquisition of human resources is vital to maritime related industries. This recalls the phrase used by Japan’s prime minster “to boost maritime engineer numbers from 2,000 to 10,000.” This mostly expresses the expectation and need, but the way to accomplish such change is less clear. Furthermore, against the backdrop of Japan’s declining younger population, competition for highly-skilled human resources is growing more severe. This means that maritime industries have to win out over competing industries to acquire those skilled personnel. To this end, our sector must embark with a large and ambitious vision to connect with people from more varied backgrounds who have little familiarity with the maritime world. In this session, we will illustrate career paths for personnel required by our industry by looking at university entrance examinations, university education, continued education, recruitment of graduates, and mid-career recruiting, etc.

※Please be aware that the contents of the program may be changed without notice.

    • Motohiko Murai

    •  Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National University
    • Taro Ide

    •  Director, Planning Department, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
    • Nagayuki Suzuki

    •  Director, Office of Offshore Development, The Nippon Foundation
    • Kaoru Fujii

    •  HR Exective Chief Editor, HR Research / HR Public Relations, Recruit Co., Ltd.
    • Takashi Sakamoto

    •  Managing Director, Tokyo Office Offshore Wind, Fukada Salvage & Marine Works Co., LTD.
    • Tokihiro Katsui

    •  Professor, Kobe Ocean-Bottom Exploration Center, Kobe University